About Me

Welcome to my website at buildingyouronlinebusiness.com


 By way of explanation, and to avoid any confusion, this website is part of my general brand of Learning and Wealth, but felt that to avoid that website getting too cumbersome it would be better to post this subject under its own website as it will also become quite large.  It is hoped to not only include reviews on a number of sites which offer Private Label Rights, but also to bring in some training on the subject.

Having spent some twenty-four years in the armed forces, followed by thirty years in the charity sector as a volunteer, I have developed a sense of wanting to help people. This is especially true with regard to helping them to have a better lifestyle. Another way of saying have more money to enjoy an even better life.

Whilst in the Forces developed an interest in Training and Course Design, was a member of the team which designed the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer’s Management Course for the Royal Air Force, continued to be involved in training and course design when I left the Forces.

Deciding that one way to reach out to the world was via the internet, I formed a limited company ESA Enterprises Ltd, to enable me to cover the wide range of interests which I have. All my websites came under this one company, until I realised that using my brand name was a more sensible option.

All my websites now come under my brand name, which enables me to offer manuals, blueprints, DVD’s, training courses and other items which I feel could be of interest to you, all under the one brand.

A number of years ago over thirty to be exact I was in business with a partner who ripped me off to the tune of £37,000 this resulted in us losing our house to pay the debts.

Through hard work and sensible use of our money we were able to retire quite comfortably until the scammer struck just over four years ago. Having been scammed and losing all my life savings and bank accounts thought that it was time to improve my lot by using the internet to improve my cash flow and share with you some of the ideas that I am using to do so.

Some two years ago, the Bank finally refunded all our money, but I enjoy running this little business so much, that any money I now earn will be to enable us to really enjoy our golden years.

A lot of the articles which I hope to publish will include ideas to help you improve your lifestyle, saving money, increasing your wealth, both personal and financial, and how to avoid being scammed.

However this site is dedicated to showing you how you can Build Your Own On-Line Business.

All my recommendations are my personal views on the subject matter which I am dealing with at the time.

Please note that in no way does anything that I imply or say guarantee that you will make money.

I do hope that you enjoy this site, please feel free if you do have any comments or questions to send them to me.

You can always contact me via e mail: stuartsblog@gmail.com

Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy


Stuart (aka Edwin)
